Passive Fire Protection Systems

Structural Steel Protection


How do fire boarding systems work?

Fire boarding systems are highly resistant to heat and if a fire occurs are proven to conduct a low amount of heat whilst simultaneously absorbing a high amount of heat. Furthermore, they have low shrinkage and are proven to maintain their integrity to ensure that the structure on the other side is not impacted by high temperatures.

Thanks to this, our fire boarding systems can be used for many applications, including:

  • Encapsulating structural steels.
  • Compartmentation of buildings.
  • Encasements or secondary linings for protection of a building’s load-bearing structures.
  • Encasement of electrical cables.
  • Ventilation and smoke extraction ducts.

How do fire boarding systems work?

Fireboarding systems are an effective way of stopping fire and smoke in their tracks. Here are some of the many reasons why the correct fire protection systems, such as fire boarding systems, are so important:

  • Saves Lives
    Undeniably, the main priority for any fire protection system is to save lives and fire boarding systems are an effective way of doing this. Encasing structural steel members reduces the temperature sufficiently to stop them from buckling which allows occupants and staff more time to escape.
  • Limits Fire Spread
    Fire boarding systems are non-combustible and provide high levels of passive fire protection to building structures. This means measures are in place to reduce building-wide damage by containing fire and smoke in one area. Compartmentalising a fire in this way will also increase the amount of time occupants have to act appropriately to the risk.
  • Protects Structure
    Fire boarding systems are a great way of protecting crucial structures from buckling and collapsing in the event of a fire and maintaining their load-bearing capabilities for as long as possible. Restricting the spread of a fire in this way will significantly protect a building’s structure against the long-term impacts of fire.
  • Legal Regulations
    By law, a building should have effective fire protection measures in place in both residential and non-residential settings. The level of fire resistance required depends on the type of building, but a combination of passive and active fire protection systems should be in place to adhere to the law.
  • Saves Money
    Although many buildings and properties are covered by insurance, unavoidable damage from smoke and flames could still be caused to personal belongings and valuables in the event of a fire. Having the correct fire protection systems in place is crucial to saving you money in the long term.

What is a passive fire protection system?

Passive fire protection is a vital part of any fire strategy or plan and involves systems being built into the structure of a building to protect people’s lives and reduce the damage done to buildings in the event of a fire.